Coffey's Veterinary Center is proud to have the most comprehensive in-house diagnostic capabilities within our region. Our diagnostic technology includes CBC and Blood Chemistries, Urinalysis, Ultrasound, Digital Cytology, Digital X-ray, and now a state-of-the-art 3-dimentional CT scanner, the Vimago HDVI.
With the 3D-CT, we can create 3D virtual models of your pet's muscles, bones, and organs. We can virtually slice through and examine tissues without having to perform surgery on your pet. Preliminary in-house readings of the scan can take as little as a few hours.
We are also partnered with a team of expert radiologists which can provide a full and extensive report on your patient's scan within a few days. These reports are crucial for patients with uncommon symptoms. Reports often come with suggestions for further care and allow us to adjust treatment plans to best serve your pet's specific needs.